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Personal & Small Group Training

A customized program is created based on your needs, fitness level and goals. Learn proper form, utilize your time efficiently, learn about proper supplementation and gain clarity on nutrition. Weekly e-mails or phone follow-ups are included to monitor your progress, offer encouragement and help hold you accountable.
Get the individualized attention of personal training at an economical cost. Workout with your friends, partner, spouse or other fitness-minded people and share the fun and fitness challenge! Having workout buddies can help to motivate you,  and it’s great to have someone to share the rewards with. Get focused and take your fitness to the next level.

O2 BodyFit Certified Personal Trainers will get you noticeable results in the shortest possible time.

Focus your workouts. Make it all about you. 

There’s no better way to accelerate your progress and maintaining your health than from getting that one-on-one customized attention. With several different programs to choose from, there is one that will easily fit within any budget.

All programs focus on these six areas to deliver life changing results:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Cardio
  3. Strength  
  4. Supplementation   
  5. Flexibility  
  6. Motivation & Support


What You Can Expect:

  • Body Assessments every 2 weeks: weight, body fat %, measurements, progress photos
  • Body Performance Assessments: strength, cardio endurance, flexibility, etc.
  • Customized Workouts based on your specific goals
  •  Nutritional Planning
  •  Fitness Goal Setting
  •  Lifestyle Coaching
  •  Judgement-free and safe environment


Equipment We May Use: 

  • TRX
  • Kettlebells / Dumbbells
  • Sandbags
  • Medicine/Stability Balls
  • Boxing (Bags & Gloves)
  • Resistance Bands
  • Agility Ladder
  •  …..and more!


Fill out the form for a free 1-on-1 Intro Session!


