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Strong: From The Beginning

O2 BodyFit is THE place to come when you need to BURN FAT! Period. Because we’ve only got one thing in mind — YOUR RESULTS.

Just like the oxygen (O2) we breathe, fitness is a necessity to be healthy. Your body gets weak if your body doesn’t move. That’s why, at O2 BodyFit, we’re committed to the physical, mental, and spiritual well being of our community.

Through the years, our team has served over 6,000 members and, together, we’ve burned more than 200,000 lbs of fat! And we’re not stopping there.

We do what we do because we love our community. And they really love us. We know you’ll love us, too. Keep Reading. Find out why…

What We’re Not
We’re not your ordinary gym. We don’t judge you. We don’t bark or bite. And we definitely don’t compete. No egos allowed. It’s safe to say, we don’t force you to do anything.
We’re not here to sell you useless products. We don’t have a bunch of fancy equipment (O.K, we’ve got a few fun toys).
But most importantly, we’re not boring. Besides, if boring was what you were looking for, then — move along — you are in the wrong place. But you’re not boring, are you? You’re looking for something better for yourself. Keep Reading...
What We Are
O2 BodyFit hosts the best personal trainers and our fitness system is specifically designed to get you the results you want — the results you deserve.  Want to burn fat, tone up, de-stress, have more energy, get strong, or completely transform your body? Great! Achieve your goal with O2 BodyFit.We make sure that you’re never alone. You’re supported every step of the way. We are your community. We encourage you. Your win is our win. Your journey to health is simple, just not easy. But we’re here to make it easier. Together we’ll travel the road to a fitter, more healthy you. Together we will get you there. And if you’ve ever doubted yourself, just breathe. You’re not alone. We’ve got your back. That’s a promise.

Frequently asked questions

What is O2 BodyFit Boot Camp anyway?

O2 BodyFit Bootcamp in Daly City is a fitness program that includes top notch fitness instructions, nutritional guidance and motivational training all designed to get you in the best shape of your life in the shortest, safest possible time regardless of your current fitness level. We are NOT a military style boot camp and will not scream in your face, or force you to do something you feel could result in injury. We use positive motivation to help you push your limits to accomplish what you did not think was possible.

What makes O2 BodyFit Boot Camp different from other ones?

Everything is geared toward YOU as an individual. We accommodate members of ALL fitness levels, because we always give modifications for beginners, as well as for advanced members. We know who you are personally, what your goals are and how to get you there.

Our program is also unique because we are focused on more than just the physical aspect of fitness. We understand that to achieve your goals, especially if they involve weight loss, we must address not only your body, but your mind and spirit as well.

feel a little nervous about getting started. I have never done anything like this before.

Many new clients felt that way – it’s completely okay. What we find is after you meet us, you will feel exceptionally comfortable with us and our training approach. We are guided by a simple passion for helping people. We thrive by educating members and designing programs that take them well beyond their goals, beyond what they ever thought was possible.

What if I can’t attend all the days offered?

Some exercise is better than no exercise. So if you can’t make it four days a week, at least do your best to attend two or three days a week. We have seen members achieve significant results while attending three days a week.

What if I’m too busy and don’t have time to come?

“I don’t have time” really means “I’d like to procrastinate a little longer.” The truth is that you can make time if you really want to change the way you look and feel. Ask yourself this: Am I finally ready?

Ok, good point….What do I need to bring?

Just bring a water bottle, sweat towel, yoga mat, and a positive attitude! We’ll provide all the equipment, motivation, and accountability you’ll need.

What can I expect to achieve?

You can expect to drop inches and pounds while becoming more fit and toned. On average you’ll drop 4-8 pounds, 1-2 dress sizes, and 2-5% body fat every 30 days. The program includes exercises designed to firm your butt and thighs, flatten your stomach, tone your muscles, increase endurance, reduce body fat and increase confidence.

Will I be given a “diet” to follow?

Diets don’t work. But healthy eating habits do! We will give you nutritional guidance and suggest healthier alternatives to the foods you enjoy. Our goal is to help you achieve a lifestyle change, not a temporary one.

How is this different than my local gym?

O2 BodyFit Boot Camp is a fitness program designed to get you in the best shape of your life in a fun and motivating atmosphere. Unlike a traditional gym, you won’t encounter intimidation, overcrowding, broken down equipment and staff that could care less if you get results. Most gyms will sign you up and forget about you.

Accountability, goal setting and motivation are the reasons we get fantastic results! No gyms can offer that.

What is the difference between a Boot Camp and a regular Fitness Class?

First of all, our bootcamps guarantee results! You won’t find any fitness class that would do that. The second difference is: In a fitness class, the teacher will workout with you and do basic forms of aerobics (which have been proven to NOT be effective at burning fat) A fitness class is a good program to do on the off days of this program. It keeps you active and helps you burn a couple of extra calories.

In our Boot Camps you will be coached and trained by 2 expert Professional Personal Trainers, making sure you are doing the exercises safely and effectively so your body can reap the benefits. If you personal train with us it would run you $100+ an hour. With these boot camps you only pay a tiny fraction of that cost while being surrounded by like-minded people all focused towards hitting their fitness goals.

Can I pay per workout or just when I come?

No. You need and want to exercise consistently, right? We’ve found that the second best motivator is knowing that you are consistently paying for your boot camp. The best motivator is knowing that you’re going to have a ton of fun once you get to boot camp and meet your new friends for another life changing workout!

What is a typical day like at boot camp?

FUN! Since each workout program is intentionally different to avoid boredom and to give you maximum results in minimum time, it’s difficult to describe a “typical day.” You can expect some light running, resistance training, obstacle courses, core training, body weight, and team training.

How soon will I see results?

Performance improvement can happen in as little as a couple of days. “Visual Improvement” can take from 2-4 weeks depending on your effort level. It’s becoming common to see our members go down 1-2 pants and dress sizes within the first 30 days.

Does the boot camp ever end?

Our bootcamp in Daly City is an ongoing program. After all, it’s a lifestyle change. You’re welcome to join for as little as 1 month or stay on board for the long haul like 85% of our members.

What types of people go to boot camp?

They are people just like you. Whether you have a few stubborn pounds to lose or 50 plus pounds, you’ll find O2 BodyFit Boot Camp is the perfect program to help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals! Everybody is there working towards one common goal: To achieve a better quality of life. How cool is that?!

What if I have other questions?

You can always call us at 415-294-1136 or email us at [email protected]